Bob Dimmitt
Senior Pastor
For over 40 years Bob has been involved in Gospel ministry in various capacities. He has served as a Jail Chaplain in Hawaii and Virginia, as well as here in Savannah, Georgia. He was called to be the pastor here at Ferguson Ave. in 2000 and has been faithfully preaching the Word week in and week out ever since. Bob is married to Cindy, and they have four children and twelve grandchildren.

Tom Keller
Associate Pastor, Senior Adult Emphasis
Tom was born in Washington D.C. and is a veteran of the United States Army. He attended Columbia International University and earned a BA in Biblical Studies, as well as, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary where he earned his Master of Divinity. Tom has worked with Senior Adults for over 20 years and enjoys his role at Ferguson. He is married to his wife Amy and they have three children, Ashley, Rebecca, and Jordan, as well as two granddaughters and a grandson.

Robert Holland
Music Director
Robert has been attending FABC since the early 80's. He has been involved in the music ministry most of that time. He attended Columbia Bible College during the mid 80's, completing two years of study there before transferring to Armstrong State University to complete his degree in Music Education. Robert has 18 years' experience teaching instrumental music in private schools in Savannah along with a few decades of experience leading the choir at our church. Robert was blessed with the gift of his lovely wife, Jill, in 2007.

Shawn Champion
Youth & Young Adult Director
Shawn has lived in Savannah, GA for most of his life and has served in youth ministry at FABC since 2015. In 2022, he accepted the full-time position as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. He trusted in Christ at age 14 and is passionate about children hearing the Gospel at a young age. He has a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Theatre Performance from Columbus State University and uses those talents weekly with the worship team.

Cindy Wise
children's Ministry Director
Cindy has worked in Children’s Ministry for over 30 years in various positions. She has been a member of FABC since 2000 and the Children’s Director since January 2013. She loves serving with the body of believers ministering to children of our church and our community. She oversees all curriculum and directs our annual VBS and Fall Festival. She loves teaching the truth of God’s word to our future leaders and seeing them grow in Christ as they mature in age. She is married to Charles and has two daughters, two sons-in–love and four grandchildren!

Janice Donaldson
Office Manager
Janice heads up the children's Adventure Club, and assists our Children's Ministry Director! In the office, she handles most of the church "paperwork" in conjunction with our bookkeeper. Janice is married to Jimmy and they have two children and nine grandchildren.

Dawn Stanford
Receptionist & Media Specialist
Dawn is a long-time member of FABC, and started working in the office in 2009 after working almost nine years in a real estate office. Besides answering the phone, Dawn lays out and prints the weekly bulletins and maintains the content on the church website. She enjoys keeping everyone informed of what's going on in our church. Besides her paid job, Dawn also volunteers in children's ministry, sings in the adult choir, plays bass guitar with the worship team, and sings in the Savannah Philharmonic Chorus. Dawn is married to Kelly, and they have two lovely daughters and a wonderful son-in-law.